Strategically accompanied
Strong in the Group through continuity
Almost 90 years ago, Wilhelm Frank set the basis for Roto's success story with his visionary pioneering spirit. Today, the Roto group, with its headquarters in Leinfelden-Echterdingen, is still 100% owned by the successor families of its founder.
Since 2019, Roto Frank Holding AG has served as the holding company for three independent divisions. The holding company is responsible for the governance of the entire group. It is responsible for group-wide compliance with the values that Roto stands for. The Holding supports the divisions in realising the defined goals, is responsible for strategy development and implementation and performs the tasks of treasury and group accounting throughout the group. Additionally, it oversees the unified corporate identity (CI) and corporate design (CD) across the group. The Holding also provides legal advisory services to the divisions.
"We see ourselves as a driving force for an entire industry, committed to our core German values."
Dr. Eckhard Keill, Roto Frank Holding AG

Thinking further since 1935
Since 1935, the name Roto has been associated with a pioneering spirit and technological expertise in the field of building industry system components. In that year, Wilhelm Frank applied for a patent for the first industrially manufactured Tilt&Turn hardware "Roto N", which allows window sashes to be tilted - and founded a company together with his wife Elfriede. What began with two people now represents a corporate group with 18 factories on four continents that faces a daily challenge: Which technology generates the highest customer benefit?
Patent application for the "Roto N" Tilt&Turn hardware and foundation of the company Wilhelm Frank in Stuttgart
Presentation of the Roto loft ladder at the Leipzig trade fair
Restart of production in Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Introduction of the world's first pivoting roof window construction: the Roto residential roof window
Founding of the factory in Bad Mergentheim-Edelfingen (Germany) for roof window production, now Roto Frank Dachsystem-Technologie GmbH
Acquisition of Fasco Die Cast Inc. in Mississauga, Ontario (Canada), now Roto Fasco Canada, Inc.
Acquisition of Fermax Componentes para Esquadrias in São Paulo (Brazil), now Roto e Fermax do Brasil LTDA
Acquisition of Deventer Profile GmbH, Berlin (Germany)
Acquisition of Union Ltd, Ningbo City, China
New group structure through the formation of Roto Frank Holding AG and the three independently operating companies Roto Frank Fenster- und Türtechnologie GmbH, Roto Frank Dachsystem-Technologie GmbH and Roto Frank Professional Service GmbH which are each responsible for their own results
Acquisition of Ultrafab Inc., Farmington, USA
Patentanmeldung des Drehkipp-Beschlags „Roto N“ und Gründung des Unternehmens Wilhelm Frank in Stuttgart
Vorstellung der weltweit ersten Dachfensterkonstruktion zum Klappen vor: das Roto Wohndachfenster
Übernahme von Fermax Componentes para Esquadrias in Sao Paulo (BR), heute Roto e Fermax do Brazil LTDA
Übernahme der Ultrafab Inc., Farmington, USA
Vorstellung der Roto Bodentreppe auf der Leipziger Messe
Werksgründung in Bad Mergentheim-Edelfingen (D) für die Dachfenster-Fertigung, heute Roto Frank Dachsystem-Technologie GmbH
Übernahme der Union Ltd, Ningbo City, China
Wissenschaftlich fundiertes Klimaziel wird verabschiedet. Erarbeitung und Umsetzung von Maßnahmen zur Zielerreichung.
Neubeginn der Produktion in Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Übernahme von Fasco Die Cast Inc. in Mississauga, Ontario (CA), heute Roto Fasco Canada, Inc.
Neue Gruppenstruktur durch Bildung der Roto Frank Holding AG und den dreieigenständigen, ergebnis-verantwortlichen Unternehmen Roto Frank Fenster- und Türtechnologie GmbH Roto Frank Dachsystem-Technologie GmbH und Roto Frank Professional Service GmbH
Our Board
Responsibility characterises the history of the Roto group. The Board and the Managing Directors are deeply committed to this value towards customers, partners and employees. They see their responsibility as a mandate to lead Roto Frank Holding and its three divisions into the future in a focussed and success-oriented manner.
Living values together
The Roto group has one fundamental goal: to be the first solution partner for its customers and to maximise customer benefits. Ambitious ideas and profound experience have always been one part of this success. Roto's thoughts and actions are characterised above all by four central values. These values serve as a compass for the pioneering further development of the entire range of products and services from the customer's perspective.

german made
We base the success that has made us a leading German company on the traditional values of continuity, consistency and reliability as well as experience, the will to succeed and foresight. In the development of our product and service solutions, we follow the principles of German engineering.

Guiding principles
Effective and value-based leadership is based on the principle of strengthening strengths. By trusting each other and being able to think positively and constructively, everyone contributes to empowering the corporate group and thus the community.

Lean principles
In all areas of the company, processes and solutions are continuously developed to increase value and achieve the best possible customer service. All employees rely on their extensive experience to think and implement systematically, conceptually, and in a structured manner.

Process organisation
The needs of the customers are the driving force in all areas of the Roto group. Clearly defined processes are oriented towards these needs to offer products and services that are superior to the competition. The aim is to fulfil customer needs quickly, efficiently and in a focused manner and to continue to grow as a company.
Roto in Zahlen
Year of foundation
Owned by families
~ 885
Mio. € Turnover
~ 885
Jahresumsatz (in Mio. €)
Production companies
Distribution companies
Service companies
~ 5.000
Staff worldwide
Produktionsgesellschaften weltweit
Vertriebsgesellschaften weltweit
Servicegesellschaften weltweit
~ 5.000
Mitarbeitende weltweit
As of fiscal year 2023
* Stand: Geschäftsjahr 2023.
The Roto Policy Statement on Human Rights Strategy
The Roto group considers itself responsible for contributing to the improvement of global supply chains and for ensuring that its global business relationships are socially and environmentally compatible.
The Roto Policy Statement on Human Rights Strategy describes Roto's approach to implementing human rights and environmental due diligence obligations. It specifically presents Roto's human rights strategy, describes the risk management structure, as well as prevention and remediation measures, and provides information on the complaint procedure. -
Roto Code of Conduct
Roto is committed to responsible and sustainable corporate governance. In particular, the principles of ecological, social and ethical behaviour listed in this Code of Conduct form the basis of our corporate governance.
Roto is guided by international conventions such as the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Guidelines on Children's Rights and Business Conduct, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labour Standards of the International Labour Organization and the United Nations Global Compact. -
Roto Code of Conduct for Suppliers
Roto expects its suppliers to also comply with the principles of ecological, social and ethical behaviour outlined in the Roto Supplier Code of Conduct.
Whistleblower System
Correct and compliant behaviour is a top priority for Roto. The success of the group is based on a clear commitment to integrity and compliance. To meet this standard, it is important to become aware of potential misconduct at an early stage. Information on suspected cases helps to clarify possible compliance violations and take effective countermeasures.
One element of the Roto Compliance Management System is the Whistleblower System.
With its Whistleblower System, Roto offers all employees and other stakeholders the opportunity to report possible compliance violations, including complaints regarding possible violations of due diligence obligations along the supply chain.
More information on how Roto handles reports of possible compliance violations or complaints about potential breaches of due diligence along the supply chain can be found in the Whistleblower Policy or the Procedural Rules, which are available here.