We go further.
Sustainable into the Future
At Roto, we have been committed to sustainability for many years, with a clear focus on product quality and long-lasting solutions. Based on lean principles and continuous improvement processes, we consistently align with customer benefits. Learn more about how the people at Roto embody ecological and social values daily and sustainably develop and implement long-lasting product solutions.
"For Roto as a family-owned company with innovative "german made" product solutions, sustainable management forms the core of the organisation."
Dr. Eckhard Keill, Roto Frank Holding AG
Our Sustainability Mission
Along our entire value chain, we stand for social and ecological sustainability. In doing so, we constantly interact with our customers and partners and thus develop sustainable product and service solutions in our markets.
We can only achieve all this together with all the people at Roto. For this purpose, we create the conditions for a sustainable transformation of the entire corporate group through an appreciative and attractive working environment.
Roto climate target by 2030
The Roto Group has set a climate target: By 2030, we aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% across the group worldwide in Scope 1 and 2, compared to the base year 2022. This applies to our entire energy consumption, whether generated on-site or sourced from energy providers. In Scope 3, which covers emissions from our upstream and downstream value chain, we are aiming for a reduction of 25%. Through a series of targeted measures based on our sustainability strategy, we will also contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of our customers and partners.
Roto Klimaziel bis 2030
Die Roto Gruppe hat sich ein Klimaziel gesetzt: Bis 2030 werden wir die Treibhausgasemissionen gegenüber dem Ausgangsjahr 2022 gruppenweit und weltweit zu 50% in Scope 1 und 2 reduzieren. Das betrifft unseren gesamten Energiebedarf, den wir an unseren Standorten selbst erzeugen oder von Energieerzeugern beziehen. In Scope 3, der die Emissionen unserer vor- und nachgelagerten Wertschöpfungskette umfasst, streben wir eine Verringerung um 25% an. Mit einer Reihe von zielgerichteten Maßnahmen auf Basis unserer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie werden wir somit auch dazu beitragen, den CO2-Fußabdruck unserer Kunden und Partner zu verringern.
Professional Service
Increase energy efficiency & reduce heating costs
Our services help to minimize heat loss and reduce heating costs. This not only means financial savings for our customers, but also a reduction in CO2 emissions, which makes a positive contribution to climate protection.
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Professional Service
Conserving resources through repair & refurbishment
By repairing and refurbishing existing windows, skylights and front doors, we make a significant contribution to conserving resources. Instead of replacing old elements with new ones, we extend the service life of the installed elements. This not only reduces waste, but also conserves valuable raw materials.
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Professional Service
Our contribution: regionality & low travel costs
Our service technicians are distributed throughout the DACH region, which enables us to be on site quickly and efficiently. This regional presence helps to keep travelling costs low and at the same time reduces the CO2 footprint of our assignments. Short journeys mean less fuel consumption and therefore fewer emissions.
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Window & Door Technology
Sustainable energy supply with hydropower at our Roto site Kalsdorf
For decades, Roto Window & Door Technology has been committed to sustainable energy solutions at its production site in Kalsdorf, Austria. Around a quarter of the total energy demand is covered by the company's own three hydropower plants. These proven facilities are a central part of the company's strategy for CO2 reduction and sustainable production.
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Window & Door Technology
The Roto production site in Lövő generates its own power
7200 square metre rooftop photovoltaic system / 1000 kWp operating output / 3600 solar modules / Reliable delivery service, too, thanks to independence from energy suppliers.
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Roof System Technology
Roto roof windows with Environmental Product Declaration EPD available
The Roto Designo R8 top-hung pivot window, the Roto Designo R6 pivot window and the RotoQ pivot window Q4 are now available with the Environmental Product Declaration in accordance with DIN EN ISO standard 14025 and EN 15804+A2. The EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) makes it even easier for planners, architects and building owners to calculate the environmental balance of a building and to comply with QNG or DGNB regulations for construction projects.
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Window & Door Technology
Larger volume, reusable and recyclable: New stackable transport packaging
Transport packaging protects the goods from environmental influences and damage during transportation or storage. This protection is essential. The consistent use of sustainable transport packaging is one of the quickest solutions for reducing your own CO2 footprint - a task that every company is faced with. The good news is that reusable and recyclable packaging is already an integral part of the global movement of goods. This is also the case for us...
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Window & Door Technology
Environmental declarations for products
The environmental declarations in accordance with ISO 14025 contain life cycle assessment-based indicators that describe the contribution of products to the greenhouse effect and the use of resources...
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Window & Door Technology
Roto Spain: Photovoltaic system covers own electricity requirements
Roto Frank Fenster- und Türtechnologie designs its corporate processes to be specifically energy-efficient and continuously invests in the expansion of photovoltaic systems at its worldwide locations...
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Window & Door Technology
Roto surfaces
Protection in its most beautiful form
Brochure: Roto surfaces
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Roof System Technology
5 good reasons for a roof window from Roto.
Five reasons for choosing Roto roof windows: first-class quality, high energy efficiency, a long-term guarantee, individual comfort and comprehensive security functions. These features make the roof windows durable, cost-saving and secure.
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Window & Door Technology
Career start at Roto FTT
Motivational and image video of our trainees and students at the headquarters in Leinfelden-Echterdingen
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Window & Door Technology
Roto Frank Kalsdorf focuses on generating its own electricity
Photovoltaic system commissioned on January 30, 2023 / Own hydropower plants and PV system cover 50 percent of energy requirements with in-house generation / Securing the site, jobs and delivery service / Expansion of PV roof areas being examined
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Window & Door Technology
Roto Benefits
In addition to exciting areas of responsibility, we offer our employees many other reasons to enjoy working at Roto and to feel good all round! The benefits can vary depending on the location...
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Roof System Technology
Certified healthy living with Roto
Our roof windows are low-emission and harmless to health.
Healthy products are free from harmful substances and have a positive effect on our well-being. As a manufacturer of high-quality roof windows, we offer our customers exactly that: roof windows that are harmless to health and low in harmful substances...
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Window & Door Technology
Working at Roto
Our trusting cooperation is the key to our joint success. That's why we listen carefully to our customers. We think along with them. And ahead.
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Roof System Technology
Roto roof window solutions - optimum combination for saving energy
Whether renovating or building a new home, the choice of building elements can set the course for energy-saving living. Roto Frank roof system technology supports this with, among other things, triple-glazed roof windows and equipment that can be integrated into the Smart Home system and controlled automatically. This makes pleasantly tempered and energy-efficient living possible at any time of year...
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Window & Door Technology
Statement on the REACH Regulation
In terms of the REACH Regulation, we see ourselves as a downstream user and are therefore in the same position as our customers.
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Wir sind auf dem Weg
Erste gruppenweite CO2-Bilanz.
Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Energienutzung.
Erhebung international erweitert und optimiert. Weitere Ansatzpunkte zur CO2-Verringerung ermittelt und umgesetzt.
CO2-Bilanz 2022 wird zum Basiswert für das Klimaziel
von Roto.
Wissenschaftlich fundiertes Klimaziel wird im zweiten
Quartal 2024 verabschiedet.
Erarbeitung und Umsetzung
von Maßnahmen zur Zielerreichung.
Customer-centred solutions
We create sustainable and provable benefits - safe products for the processor, the customer and the environment. In their field of application, we create provably long-lasting products. Product quality is ensured throughout the value creation process and product life cycle.
Engaged and effective employees
The basis of our success is an attractive, secure and safe working environment in which we promote individual initiative and respect for all employees. We have a diverse workforce and are committed to offering equal opportunities to all employees.
Wide-ranging climate and environmental protection
We design our production, operations and logistics processes to be energy-efficient and ensure that our raw materials are manufactured in a climate- and environment-friendly way. Along our value chain, we are committed to the careful use and recycling of resources, and in this way promote the path toward a circular economy.
Responsible corporate governance
Our values form the basis of responsible business practices. We strive to create a climate of mutual trust by ensuring transparency and cooperation. We are committed to maintaining integrity and compliance with all applicable laws and ethical standards. We seek continuous dialogue with our employees and suppliers to drive sustainability in our industry and to satisfy our customers' needs.
Kundenzentrierte Lösungen
Wir schaffen mit unseren nachweislich langlebigen Produktlösungen nachhaltigen Nutzen für das verarbeitende Gewerbe, für unsere Kunden und die Umwelt. In unseren Unternehmen liegt die Produktqualität im gesamten Wertschöpfungsprozess und über den gesamten Produktlebenszyklus im Fokus.
Engagierte und wirksame Mitarbeitende
Die Basis unseres Erfolgs bildet ein sicheres, wert-schätzendes und attraktives Arbeitsumfeld, in dem wir individuelle Stärken fördern und unsere vielfältigen Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln. Dabei setzen wir uns für Chancengleichheit ein.
Umfassender Klima- und Umweltschutz
Wir gestalten unsere Produktions-, Betriebs- und Logistikprozesse gezielt energieeffizient. Bei den von uns bezogenen Ausgangsmaterialien achten wir auf eine klima- und umweltfreundliche Herstellung. Entlang unserer Wertschöpfungskette setzen wir uns für eine schonende Nutzung und Wiederverwertung von Ressourcen ein und fördern so den Weg hin zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft.
Verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung
Unser Wertegerüst bildet die Grundlage für verantwortungsvolles Wirtschaften. Damit schaffen wir durch Transparenz und Zusammenarbeit ein Klima des gegenseitigen Vertrauens. Wir verpflichten uns zur Einhaltung aller geltenden Gesetze und ethischen Standards und sind bestrebt, Nachhaltigkeit über unsere Unternehmensgrenzen hinaus voranzutreiben.
Aktueller Nachhaltigkeitsbericht
Die Roto Frank Holding hat ihren Nachhaltigkeitsbericht über den Berichtszeitraum 2025 veröffentlicht. Er wurde auf Basis der European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) nach der EU-Richtlinien zur Unternehmens-Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, CSRD) erstellt.
Responsibly structured
With the Sustainability Board, we have created a centralised body consisting of the Executive Board, management and sustainability officers to manage the implementation of our sustainability strategy. Structures have been established in the divisions to integrate sustainability as a core value in all processes. Individual project groups have been set up whose task it is to consistently pursue the sustainability goals and their implementation.
Roto stands for values
Our shared values represent an identity that has made Roto a leader in performance as a German company. We are consistently focused on customer benefits and follow lean principles. Our corporate management is based on the principles of effectiveness and value orientation.
"german made" for nearly 90 years
We are proud to ensure high-quality performance and services for our partners and customers through the proverbial German precision in design and development, quality and process management. Worldwide.
Compliance Management
Our behaviour and our activities in the Roto group are based on principles that give us orientation. We not only comply with the law, but also fulfil our group's own commitment to the highest reputation and responsible conduct.
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